• District Safety Officers

    The responsibility and purpose of a District Safety Officer is to promote and maintain a safe environment for students and staff of the Santa Ana Unified School District.  District Safety Officers provide important security services, making it possible for all members of the District to participate in academic and extra-curricular activities on all campuses.  
    District Safety Officers are civilian employees who are unarmed.  Their primary role, within the limits of the law and the authority granted by SAUSD, is to protect the persons and property of the District.  This mission is accomplished through the following model: Prevention, Observation & Reporting.
    Prevention - District Safety Officers are a vital resource in crime prevention and maintaining order.  Proactive, highly visible District Safety Officers leverage the ability of security teams.
    Observation - District Safety Officers are trained in observing and recording pertinent information when crimes occur, documenting crime trend information and preventive strategies.
    Reporting- District Safety Officers are essential in reporting information to site administrators and School Police Officers to ensure for the safety of students and staff.
    District Safety Officers are generally deployed to all high schools and intermediate schools.  They are responsible for security concerns on and around the immediate perimeter of school campuses, District facilities and assigned events.  Other authorized functions may include monitoring and implementing safety standards established by the District, issuing parking citations on District premises only pursuant to Section 21113(a) of the California Vehicle Code, enforcing District safety rules and regulations, monitoring facility access control, and providing security at special events.  All District Safety Officers are required to have certification by an authorized agency, the completion of a School Security course (9SB 1626 / CA Education 72330.5) and laws of arrest course (PC.C. 832) and a first aid course.

    two dso's standing side by side
