If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
  • Watch the video above to see a summary of Century's TEACH Academy, an academy for students in grades 10-12.

  • Parents, click here for the Title I informational video.

    Padres, hagan clic aquí para ver el video informativo del Título I.


Principal's Message

  • Principal Shin



    Welcome to Century High School!


    I am excited and proud to be the Principal of Century High School. We are committed to fostering an enriching learning environment that fuels growth and success. Our wide array of programs and services are designed to empower students on their journey towards achievement.


    I extend a warm invitation to you to join us in this exciting venture. Let us know how we can provide your child with the best possible education. Our dedicated academic counselors, teachers and staff are here to guide your student on a path to be college and career ready.


    Looking forward to a great school year at the Home of the Centurions!


    Go Centurions!


    Nata Shin

    Century High School Principal 


    Follow us on social media for updates IG@CenturyCenturions or Facebook/Century High School SAUSD.


    Commitment - Honor - Success

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Video of the Week